News –
By Mike Westfall
6/3/06 – Pg. 6A
America is beginning an important election season. Already political pressure groups
are aggressively lining up their support for those candidates whom they believe will best serve their personal agendas.
I reside in Michigan’s 106th district and here the incumbent
Democratic State Representative is Matt Gillard. Gillard’s August 8th primary
race is a typical example of how these well-organized groups are using and endorsing willing political officials in an enormous effort to change America’s culture and our values.
The Pride Political Action Committee of Michigan has indorsed Gillard. His endorsement by this group was based on his record of GLBT, (gay, lesbian, Bi-sexual, trans-sexual),
issues and his responses to the Triangle Pride PAC questionnaire.
Triangle Pride and GLBT are homosexual groups hostile to the values of
most families in this area. Triangle recently did a fundraising and educational event for "kink bondage domination-sadomasochism
enthusiasts" about how to combat local law enforcement and the American Family Association, which fights for the rights of
America’s families. Proceeds were funneled to Triangle and the National Coalition of Sexual Freedom, which is an advocacy
group for sadomasochism, "swinging," and group sex activities.
Families in this area don’t support homosexual marriage or the outrageous
lifestyles of these people, yet these groups strongly support Matt Gillard.
Not long ago politicians viewed the support of such groups as the kiss
of death for their elections.
Presently America still has
old-fashioned God-fearing values. Our children have to live in this nation after we are gone, and they will never forgive
us if we squander our responsibility of protecting our culture for them and their future families.
are at a crossroads as immorality marches on in lockstep. The line is drawn in the sand, and the fight could not be any clearer.
Remember that when you vote.