By Mike Westfall 2-28-2008
Nader is one of the few people ever born in America who deserves to wear the badge of “Great American”. His
courageous life as a political activist, humanitarian, environmentalist and America’s consumer rights advocate is legendary.
has run for President of the United States four times and announced on NBC’s /Meet The Press/ Sunday, February 24
that he was running as a third party presidential candidate in 2008. He cited that because of the protracted Iraq
War, the wobbly economy, taxes, powerful lobbyists and other key issues, Americans are disenchanted with both the Republican
and Democratic parties and need another voice. Who can deny that we are over taxed, and that there are special parasitical
interests on both sides of the political isle that have been influencing our government in negative ways for much too long?
Instantaneously, when Ralph declared
his candidacy, the liberal talking heads came out of the woodwork calling him demeaning names such as a buffoon and a crackpot.
Democratic sympathizers especially detest Ralph. They call him an election spoiler and claim that his entry into the 2000
presidential election cost Al Gore the election by taking votes in the close Florida race. What they are really saying is
that they want to control the American elections, only want their chosen candidates to run, want to limit voters’ choices,
and they blame their party failures on Nader. They call themselves Democrats, but this is not democracy. It is sour grapes.
is profoundly different from the other candidates, because he is not a career politician. Nader’s calling has been
special in that rather than merely spending a political career jawboning for votes, he has actually spent a lifetime
selflessly working on hundreds of causes by identifying critical issues, rallying the people around those serious issues
to find solutions and actually doing what was necessary to correct the problems.
His politically biased critics
are expert at using the eager sensationalist press as their alter ego to broadcast their false, exaggerated and twisted
remarks to slander him through personal attacks. They have never put the cause above themselves or reached out to the public
for any reason other then for politically prostituting themselves by character assassinating one of the most respected
people in the world. Unlike Nader, they have never held a demonstration, never conducted a community rally, never
spoken to Congress and never taken on big business because of big businesses’ inhumane or anti-American practices.
What similar contributions have Nader’s critics made to America? None! They have zero credentials. Unlike his
detractors, Ralph donates nearly all of his income, other than a modest $25,000 per year, to approximately 50 non-profit
organizations that he has founded which are totally dedicated to helping the American public.
Many of us are
old enough to remember when safety was secondary, and cars had a multitude of safety problems. Ralph’s work has
resulted in the creation of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, which created the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration in 1966. This led to a series of auto safety features beginning with safer windshields, seat
belts, air bags, etc. Because of Ralph Nader, our families are much safer.
Ralph spearheaded the investigation
of government corruption in 1971. Public Citizen, which he founded, has over 140,000 members and does investigations
on Congressional, health, environmental, economic and other issues. Ralph has been the people’s watchdog as he led
countless fights against corporate greed and Pentagon waste. His vital work has covered issues including dangerous
chemicals, and it has also covered excessive tax rebates for big corporations that have devastated our communities.
has been the supreme, unequaled voice bringing safety to the American products that we all use. His dedication and tenacity
on health and safety issues has unquestionably saved the lives of thousands of Americans, possibly even the lives
of the family members of his most vocal and unappreciative critics.
Thirty years ago, I was a Flint GM blue-collar
auto activist leader. In the 1980s, we saw that we were losing America’s good paying manufacturing jobs for a
host of reasons ranging from automation to global sourcing. In Michigan, General Motors was demanding property tax assessment
reductions of millions of dollars from twenty different hurting communities. Sixty-six cents of every dollar would have had
to come back from our schools. I was part of a broad based community member’s movement consisting of workers, educators,
churches and universities challenging GM. We invited Ralph to Flint to help us, which he immediately did.
graciously used his resources to assist us. He wrote about our fight, he came to Flint for rallies, he and I did press conferences
and radio shows together. He also sent Jim Musselman, one of his most capable staff attorneys, to assist us in Flint for several
months on the GM property tax assessment reduction fight. No one else in this nation was willing to do this, but Ralph
Nader did.
It is worth noting that the most critical issue facing workers during those times was job loss. The workers’
cries fell upon deaf ears in both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party as they sold out workers and manufacturing
communities with their NAFTA pact. NAFTA has been used as the grease for American manufacturing job loss. NAFTA has made it
impossible for local governments to protect the best interests of their citizens and workers.
Former Republican
President George H.W. Bush negotiated the NAFTA pact, and Democratic President Bill Clinton and his Vice President Al Gore,
in this unholy political alliance, initiated and led the signing of it on September14, 1993. NAFTA has single handedly done
more to devastate and destroy America’s once proud premier auto industry and manufacturing base than any other program
in the history of labor, thanks to both the Democrats and the Republicans.
NAFTA was designed as a power shift that
was totally lopsided in favor of multi-national investors at worker expense. When workers suffer their families, communities
and states suffer with them. Washington’s NAFTA has allowed American based multi-national corporations, which have
no loyalty to any one nation, the right to pit one nation against another nation and reduce everyone to the lowest
common denominator. It has suppressed wages, weakened unions and reduced benefits as it has moved production from
the United States to Canada and Mexico. Since NAFTA was signed, America has lost over a million middle-income manufacturing jobs
devastating states like Michigan.
NAFTA has done more harm to America’s manufacturing sector than any other
program in the history of labor. It is a sterling example of why Washington politicians are not friends of working Americans.
it hasn’t helped Mexico or it’s Maquiladora factories south of the American border. Mexican’s have seen
poverty increase and their real wages reduced. They have, also, seen their towns turned into environmental nightmares.
NAFTA, Ralph Nader proved himself an ally of the working class and was participating in radio shows with me in Flint addressing
the dilemma facing America’s middle income manufacturing workers. Now the same Democratic Party who, jointly
with the Republican Party, brought us NAFTA is calling Nader names because he dares run against them. Ralph was an
unwavering challenger of NAFTA. He stated that NAFTA was written in such a manner that it could emasculate and undercut
the laws of the participating nations which were designed to guard consumers and the environment. That is exactly what has
happened and with horrifying consequences.
In conclusion, I am a fundamentalist Christian Conservative. Ralph Nader
and I are not on the same side of the table on all of the issues. That said, I have a deep respect for Ralph and his life’s
work. He has the qualifications, intelligence and honesty that some of the others lack. Ralph has as much right to run for
election as any of the other career politician candidates. He has authentic credentials. Anyone who has been privileged enough
to know or has ever worked with him has admired not only the good work he has done for our society, but his integrity,
dedication and concern for his fellow man. He is a positive role model and a sincere champion for the American people because
of his great passion for the important issues. Ralph Nader is America’s premier consumer advocate. Whatever your political
persuasion, America can never repay him for his contributions to our nation. For Americans to not consider his ideas,
reject his opinions, discount his reputation, rebuff his work and call him names is sheer stupidity. The ridiculous people
who suggest that we do such things have a twisted definition of democracy.
So no, Ralph Nader is no crackpot
nor is he a loose cannon, and he doesn’t lick the boots of corporate or political America like his befuddled, sharp
shooting, dimwitted critics.